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Make a special gift in honor of a friend or loved one!

Honor a friend or a loved one – and their commitment to equity and justice – with a special tribute gift to the SPLC. We cannot continue the march for racial and economic justice without the support of good-hearted people like you. We hope you’ll show your dedication to our continued fight against hate by making a special tribute gift in your loved one’s honor.

To send a tribute card to your honoree, check the “This gift is in honor or memory of someone special” box on the donation page. Then, select “Mail” under the Tribute Notification Option.(If you prefer, you may also instantly notify the honoree of your tribute gift with an email notification.)

Make a bigger impact and provide a steady, reliable source of funds in the fight for justice by changing your one-time $100 gift to a monthly $10 gift. Yes, change my donation to monthly!